
Initial Handicap

For archers without a handicap, their initial handicap is the average of the handicaps for the first three rounds recorded.

All handicaps are quoted in whole numbers and the average must be rounded up to the nearest whole number.

For example if an archer shoots 3 outdoor rounds with handicaps of 64, 70 and 69 then the initial handicap is 68.

There are separate handicaps for indoor and outdoor rounds, as well as different bow styles.

The outdoor season ends on 1st January, whilst the indoor season ends on 1st July. These dates also apply to bowman classifications.

During a Season

When an archer has established a handicap it can be improved after each round shot.

If a round is shot with a handicap at least 2 handicap points better than their current handicap, then the archer’s new handicap is the average of the current handicap and the handicap for the round just completed, rounded up to the nearest whole number.

For example, an archer with a handicap of 68 shoots a round with a handicap of;

  • 70, the handicap remains 68
  • 68, the handicap remains 68
  • 67, the handicap remains 68
  • 66, the handicap becomes 67
  • 65, the handicap becomes 67
  • 61, the handicap becomes 65

During a season, an archers handicap cannot go back up. If the average handicap of the best three rounds in the season is higher than the average handicap of the best three rounds in the previous season, then the current handicap remains unchanged.

End of Season

At the end of a season, (1st January for outdoors, 1st July for indoors), each archer’s handicap is re-calculated.

If the archer has shot at least three rounds in the previous season then the new handicap is the average of the best three rounds in the previous season, rounded up to the nearest whole number.

For example the best three handicaps listed above are 66, 65 and 61; this gives a handicap at the start of the new season of 64.

At the end of a season, the only way an archers handicap can go back up is if the average handicap of the best three rounds in the season is higher than the average handicap of the best three rounds in the previous season.

Using Handicaps in Competition

Handicaps can be used to enable archers of all standards to compete against each other. This is achieved by adding a certain number of points onto an archers score at the end of the round.

The lower an archer’s handicap, the fewer points get added to his score. The winner is the archer with the most points after the handicap has been taken into account.

The number of points to be added is shown in the Archery GB handicap tables.